0 Love as I Have Loved You
- by Patrick
- 01-05-2024
Jesus gave his life that we may not just have life but have it in abundance. In his sacrifice on the cross, Jesus made us aware that the greatest purpose of life is in our care and service for others. Thus, Jesus says, "I give you a new commandment, love one another as I have loved you" (Jn.13:34 – 35). His expectation transcends "simply giving of money and clothes" to others for giving sake. The rationale for this command springs forth from the fact that we are all interconnected and interdependent, hence no one is self-sufficient. One's response to Jesus' command becomes fruitful whenever we strive out of love to reach out to others in love especially the less privileged in our midst, to provide them with what is perhaps missing in their lives. Our love for God could also be expressed in our dedication to an active prayer life, caring for the sick and needy, working for reconciliation with our friends, neighbors and family members. To identify with this noble task is a practical way of responding to Jesus' command to "love as I have loved you." And the God who sees what is done in secret promises to reward all who participate in the cultivation of love on earth. It is based on this divine mandate that the members of the Divine Love Ministry prayer group rededicate their lives every day to prayer and charitable works.